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lundi 31 octobre 2016
This week in Greenpeace pictures…
This week in Greenpeace pictures... - Every day, people from all over the world fight to ensure a green and peaceful future for our planet. From Switzerland to Kenya, here’s a look at some of the top Greenpeace images in the last few weeks.
5 remarkable outcomes from Gavi’s last 5 years
Autumn has arrived and with it crisp cool mornings, yellow and orange leaves, and the perennial reminder to …. get my flu shot! Vaccines save millions of lives each year and are among the most cost-effective health interventions ever developed. Still, 1.5 million children under the age of five lose their lives to vaccine preventable diseases every year.
Bid on a (RED) Tennis String Guitar Signed by Djokovic, Murray and McEnroe – (RED)
Win a one-of-a-kind guitar and (HEAD)RED bag signed by the world’s top tennis players!
dimanche 30 octobre 2016
Rapport Planète Vivante 2016
L'avenir de la planète est entre nos mains. Face au défi de taille qui nous attend, le Rapport Planète Vivante 2016 du WWF nous montre justement la voie à suivre.
Récemment nommé en tant que Messager de la Paix sur les questions climatiques aux Nations Unies, Leonardo DiCaprio se glisse dans un rôle important de son existence. Transitant entre les gaspillages du Groenland, le défrichement des forêts en flammes de Sumatra et les couloirs du Vatican, DiCaprio explore la façon bouleversante dont les changements climatiques impactent la planète. Son aura inégalée lui permet de s'entretenir avec des activistes, des scientifiques et des leaders mondiaux comprenant Barack Obama, Elon Musk et le Pape François.
L’Union européenne menace d'expulser un premier réfugié syrien vers la Turquie | Amnesty International France
Un jeune réfugié syrien risque d'être expulsé de Grèce vers la Turquie de façon imminente. C’est la conséquence concrète de l’accord que l’UE a conclu avec la Turquie en mars dernier. SIGNEZ LA PÉTITION.
Japon : Non à l'exécution de 13 condamnés à mort | Amnesty International France
Les procès de plusieurs membres de la secte Aum Shinrikyo au Japon se sont conclus et treize membres de cette secte risquent par conséquent d'être exécutés. Les 13 hommes ont été déclarés coupables et condamnés à mort . Ils risquent d'être exécutés à tout moment, dans le plus grand secret. Signez la pétition.
Amnesty International France
Arabie Saoudite : un mineur condamné risque d’être exécuté | Amnesty International France
Ali al Nimr n’avait que 17 ans lorsqu’il a été appréhendé le 14 février 2012, quelques mois après avoir participé à des rassemblements contre le gouvernement. Bien qu’il ait été mineur au moment de son arrestation, il a été condamné à mort à l’issue d’un procès inique, sur la base d’« aveux » arrachés sous la torture selon ses dires. Il attend désormais son exécution. Signez la pétition.
Amnesty International France
Stop à la torture en Syrie | Amnesty International France
Depuis 2011, plus de 17.000 personnes sont mortes en détention dans les centres de torture de Syrie. Des dizaines de milliers d’autres ont été torturées et détenues dans des conditions inhumaines et dégradantes. Ensemble, nous devons mettre fin à l’horreur absolue qui sévit dans des prisons syriennes. Le gouvernement syrien doit laisser les observateurs indépendants enquêter sur ces centres de détention dès maintenant.
Amnesty International France
Soudan du Sud : des viols et des meurtres à cause de l’inaction de l’ONU | Amnesty International France
Les recherches menées par Amnesty International montrent que la conduite des forces de maintien de la paix de l’ONU est marquée par de graves manquements.
Amnesty International France
The People Versus Arctic Oil: The Case That Could Stop Arctic Drilling
A new wave of oil drilling threatens the Arctic, but the fight back is already underway. Activists just filed a lawsuit that could stop the expansion of the reckless oil industry into the Arctic — but we need your help.
The Bee Keepers - Chernobyl Children International
Ninety-nine percent of the land in Belarus has been contaminated to above internationally acceptable levels as a result of the Chernobyl explosion. The contamination will not fade: plutonium, one of the radioactive elements released, has a half-life of 24,400 years. The original 30-kilometre contaminated exclusion zone has now been expanded to 70 kilometres. This expanded zone is called ‘Death Valley’ by the locals. It is the world’s most radioactive environment, in which 2,000 towns and villages will lie eerily silent and uninhabited forever. Read More...
Living Planet Report 2016
The future of the planet is in our hands. WWF’s Living Planet Report 2016 shows the scale of the challenge – and what we can do about it.
Here I Am: Vijay
Find out more about Mencap’s Here I Am campaign and understand learning disability. Read Vijay’s story
This beauty queen used Facebook to declare her HIV status. Her reason is incredible.
Robinah Babirye was just 10 years old when her mother told her she was HIV positive.
Here I Am: Rahima
Find out more about Mencap’s Here I Am campaign and understand learning disability. Read Rahima’s story
Industrial scars: The environmental cost of consumption – in pictures
Environmental artist J Henry Fair captures the beauty and destruction of industrial sites to illustrate the hidden impacts of the things we buy – the polluted air, destroyed habitats and the invisible carbon heating the planet
7 things you didn't know about Nelson Mandela
We're taking today to learn more about the man himself!
Here I Am: Joe
Find out more about Mencap’s Here I Am campaign and understand learning disability. Read Joe’s story
Watch our virtual reality experience: "One Woman's Triumph Over HIV in Africa"
The film was produced with Seeker for our campaign to support the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria.
EU and Canada sign doomed CETA trade deal
Brussels - The EU and Canada will today sign a controversial trade and investment protection agreement that could soon be consigned to the dustbin of history, warned Greenpeace.
Here I Am: Sarah
Find out more about Mencap’s Here I Am campaign and understand learning disability. Read actress Sarah Gordy’s story
Breaching environmental boundaries: UN report on resource limits
This summer, the United Nations International Resource Panel (IRP), published 'Global Material Flows and Resource Productivity', a report that admits what ecologists have been saying for decades: resources are limited, human consumption trends are unsustainable and resource depletion diminishes human health, quality of life and future development.
mardi 25 octobre 2016
Alep : de nouvelles preuves de crimes de guerre | Amnesty International France
Nos nouvelles images satellite ainsi que de nouveaux témoignages attestent que les forces gouvernementales syriennes, avec le soutien de la Russie, ont attaqué des habitations, des installations médicales, des écoles, des marchés et des mosquées. Une stratégie militaire délibérée pour vider la ville.
Amnesty International France
6 key moments in the fight for #EducationForRefugees
THANK YOU for your commitment to making sure world leaders prioritized education when they met in New York to discuss the global refugee crisis!
Amnesty releases new satellite imagery of Aleppo ahead of UN meeting
The UN General Assembly (UNGA) must step in to fill the void left by the Security Council members’ catastrophic failure to end relentless attacks targeting the civilian population in eastern Aleppo city, said Amnesty International ahead of a UNGA meeting later today.
Is agriculture the way forward for Africa? Professor Juma thinks so.
The continent has the potential to become food secure AND be an agricultural powerhouse — what can the continent do to make this happen?
lundi 24 octobre 2016
6 guys who believe girls are going to change the world
"The success of my whole life is due to the investment in a girl child"
Home - Farmers For The Future
LATEST NEWS Day 4: Presenting the letter to donors The #Farmers4TheFuture trek is coming to an end! After 3 days of meeting with other farmers, sharing experience, and talking with local governments, now the time has come to go speak directly to the donors. READ MORE Day 3: Building up for the big day Today …
Des mesures urgentes sont nécessaires pour sauver les baleines des captures accidentelles
Plus de 300 000 cétacés (baleines, dauphins et marsouins) sont chaque année capturés accidentellement dans les filets de pêche. A l’heure de son ouverture en Slovénie, le WWF appelle la 66e Commission Baleinière Internationale (CBI) à des mesures fortes et urgentes.
Help Release Human Rights Defender Imprisoned for Tweeting (Bahrain: UA 249/14) | Amnesty International USA
The High Criminal Court has postponed its verdict in the case of Bahraini human rights defender and prisoner of conscience Nabeel Rajab to 31 October.
Amnesty International USA
From camp to campus. One girl’s story of a quest for a better life.
From camp to campus. One girl's story of a quest for a better life.
La RDC annule trois concessions forestières illégales
Dans l’immédiat, ça ressemble à une bonne nouvelle : le gouvernement de la République démocratique du Congo vient d’abroger des concessions forestières illégalement attribuées… par lui-même. Transport de bois illégal en RDC
How Bernice and her bamboo bikes are changing this small Ghanaian community
These bikes are helping the community & the environment!
Support Mencap this Christmas - Overview
How this village in Kenya is planning to survive the hunger season
Specialised training and access to agricultural tools are enabling families to avoid the 'hunger season.'
Panama Papers reveal Africa losing billions to corruption and bribery
Africa alone cannot solve this challenge, it is a cancer that has affected the whole global system.
Virgin Money London Marathon
23 April 2017 London Set over a flat course around the River Thames and finishing in The Mall, the world's most famous marathon attracts around 750,000 spectators every year
Will the Monsanto Tribunal create a better food system for all of us?
Last weekend (14-16 October, 2016), farmers, scientists and activists from all over the world gathered at the Monsanto Tribunal in the Hague, Netherlands, to present the case against destruction caused by one of the corporate giants that promotes industrial farming.Monsanto Tribunal in The Hague, 15 Oct, 2016
The 10 toughest places to be born a girl
Today is the International Day of the Girl Child. Originally starting as a project of Plan International back in 2012 which grew out of their Because I Am a Girl
dimanche 23 octobre 2016
Nigeria's Hunger Heroine is empowering mums to make smart food choices
“I know it’s a result of poor nutrition. It’s not that they don’t have food; sometimes, it’s that they don’t know what to eat."
Bycatch is the biggest killer of whales: Time for the world to tackle the threat
Over 300,000 whales, dolphins and porpoises are killed after accidentally being entangled in fishing gear. International Whaling Commission meeting must act to reduce bycatch
Female scientist defies gender stereotypes to fight malaria in Kenya
Dr. Faith Osier dreamed of curing malaria as a child. Now, she's closer to achieving her dreams than ever.
This exiled journalist is helping refugees in Kenya share their stories
Drawing from his work as a journalist, Qaabata Boru started a newspaper written by refugees, for refugees.
“I believe girls should be empowered with access to healthcare and information”
To commemorate the International Day of the Girl Child, we asked five Nigerians to tell us what this day means to them in relation to girls and health in their country.
PETITION: Ask the NZ Govt to give proper protection to #SaveMauisDolphin
Save the Maui's Dolphin
Mencap is a UK charity for people with a learning disability. We support their families and carers, too. Find out more about our services and get involved.
U2 > News > Here I Am
'Learning disability has been invisible for too long. Now it's time to see it.’
Réaction - Budget 2017 "Victoire des députés mais il faut transformer l'essai"
Paris, le 19 octobre 2016 – Tard ce soir en séance plénière, les députés ont longuement débattu de l’amendement sur l’inclusion des transactions intrajournalières dans l’assiette de la taxe sur les transactions financières (TTF), outil principal des député-e-s pour contrer les coupes à répétition du gouvernement dans le budget de l’aide au développement.
'Vulnerable' women in disaster: everyday reality as the unseen face of climate change – Greenpeace
Myth: women are inherently more vulnerable than men
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