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Ali & Bono
mercredi 27 avril 2016
Myanmar : 83 prisonniers d’opinion libérés | Amnesty International France
Les cinq journalistes du journal Unity ont été libérés à la faveur d'une grâce présidentielle au Myanmar. 78 autres prisonniers d’opinion ont également retrouvé la liberté.
Amnesty International France
ADI Roche will appear on tomorrow’s Late Late Show, ahead of Tuesday’s 30th anniversary of the Chernobyl catastrophe. Ms Roche will be joined by Ali Hewson, her fellow Chernobyl Children International board member and long-time friend.
Nationwide hears about the amazing charity work of Chernobyl Children International as we mark the 30th anniversary of the disaster.
The Late Late Show
Campaigners Adi Roche and Ali Hewson speak about their efforts to make life better for the survivors in Ireland and Belarus.
The Late Late Show Extras: Chernobyl
Ryan Tubridy talks to two of the Chernobyl disaster survivors, Raisa Carolan and Anna Gabriel. Campaigners Adi Roche and Ali Hewson speak about their efforts to make life better for the survivors in Ireland and Belarus.
The Chernobyl disaster: 30 years on (Day 3)
Eoin English writes about families benefitting from Chernobyl Children International and Irish Aid-funded outreach schemes.
The Chernobyl disaster: 30 years on (Day 2): Irish eyes smiling down on the young survivors
Adi Roche has worked hard with lots of Irish help, to make things better for the youth of Chernobyl.
lundi 25 avril 2016
Le WWF révèle les 25 entreprises françaises impactant le plus les écosystèmes mondiaux
L’exploitation et la consommation des ressources naturelles renouvelables par l’homme exercent des pressions extrêmes sur la biodiversité
dimanche 24 avril 2016
Amnesty International is a global movement of more than 7 million people who take injustice personally.
Découvrez l'histoire d'Esther, la première femme pilote au Rwanda
A l’âge de 5 ans, alors qu’elle observait le ciel, Esther Mbabazi aperçut un avion. Ça lui est alors apparu comme une évidence : elle voulait piloter cet avion.
Could you go a year without buying new clothes?
The last time I bought something new to wear was July 2014: it was a pretty blue dress for my graduation. Since then, every piece of clothing that found it’s way into my closet has been bought second-hand, inherited or borrowed.Swearing off shopping altogether might sound impressive, bordering on the self-righteous, but it’s really not.
Expédition Thon 2016 : l'Esperanza a largué les amarre
C’est vendredi, à 16 h (heure de Paris), que l’Esperanza a quitté le port de Madagascar pour se rendre sur les zones de pêche des thoniers senneurs. À l’heure qu’il est, l’Esperanza sillonne les eaux chaudes de l’océan Indien et traque les dispositifs de concentration de poissons (DCP).
Syria: Terrifying eyewitness video of life under siege and barrel bombs must spur humanitarian lifeline
The terrifying reality of the Syrian government’s relentless barrel bombing of the besieged city of Daraya, outside Damascus, is made brutally clear in a new video released by Amnesty International today amid the latest round of peace talks in Geneva.
1000 art works and counting for Arctic protection
One day, Albert Einstein – that grey-haired master of imagination and thinker of all things outside the box – had something to say. “Creativity,” he mused, “is contagious. Pass it on.”His theory of relativity must not have been the only thing he got right. Indeed it seems time and again that culture and humanity crave the creative outlets that breathe life into the blank canvases of our world; inspiring others to imagine the yet unimaginable, to do the yet undone.
Are U.S. weapons being used to kill Yemeni civilians?
Saudi Arabia-led coalition continue to indiscriminately bomb and kill civilians in Yemen.
5 TED talks that will change the way you think about Africa
These thought-provoking TED talks will change the way you think about Africa in just one hour. From the dangers of stereotyped perceptions of the continent, to entrepreneurship and business, to health and education, these 5 inspiring speakers have got you covered. Check them out!
De la surexploitation des océans
Petit Navire s'approvisionne en thon pêché avec des méthodes destructrices. Signez la pétition pour lui demander de cesser ce carnage !
Réduire la mortalité maternelle et infantile avec une application mobile… C’est possible !
Avril est le mois de la santé ! Une belle occasion de mettre en lumière un projet innovant qui implique les communautés marginalisées en vue de faire reculer la mortalité
Trapped in the EU's new refugee camp: Greece
By shutting their borders, European leaders have trapped thousands in a humanitarian crisis in Greece – and they could easily fix it.
« L’aide au développement est une question de volonté politique »
Le rapport annuel de l’OCDE sur les contributions des États à l’aide au développement montre une hausse globale de 6,9 %. Friederike Röder, directrice France de ONE, organisation humanitaire mondiale, juge ces résultats positifs mais reste vigilante sur les engagements futurs des États.
“Of course I have had malaria!”
The sad reality is that in some countries the realisation of a malaria free society is a distant dream.
The Chernobyl disaster: 30 years on (Day 1)
In the first of a special three-part series, we take you inside the ghost city of Pripyat.
Heading to sea to stop destructive fishing
The smell of fish is all around the Greenpeace Esperanza. We’ve been docked in Diego Suarez in Madagascar, getting ready to take on the tuna giant Thai Union again. Fittingly, there’s a fish processing factory right next to the ship.The symbolism gets even better. As we sail out, there’s a rainbow in the sky.
Tell Chris Christie: We welcome refugees, and we reject bigotry and fear-mongering.
We’re fighting back against dangerous anti-refugee rhetoric and policies. Denying refugee families, who have risked everything, a safe place to live their lives is shameful. Tell New Jersey Governor Chris Christie that we have a responsibility to do more – not less – to help refugees.
Nouvelle mission contre la surpêche du thon pour Greenpeace
Greenpeace, engagée depuis plusieurs années contre la surpêche lance une nouvelle expédition dans l'Océan Indien. Dans sa ligne de mire ? Thai Union, le groupe thaïlandais propriétaire de Petit Navire. Pour suivre les 6 semaines d'expédition, l'ONG lance une newsletter dédiée 'Les Nouvelles du Large'
Chernobyl and Fukushima: Illuminating the invisible
30 years after Chernobyl and five years after the triple meltdown at TEPCO’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, the shadows of both disasters still loom large.In the wake of Fukushima, I joined Greenpeace monitoring teams on the ground trying to quantify and communicate the impact of radiation on the population. Documenting environmental damage and injustice is something Greenpeace has been doing for more than 40 years, but one question has always bothered me. How do you shine a light on something that is invisible?
Fast fashion is “drowning” the world. We need a Fashion Revolution!
“Nothing to wear?”Well here’s something to think about:Every piece of clothing we buy has had an impact on our planet before we even bring it home.That’s before you step out of the door, walk down the street, and spot that attractive item you see hanging in the window.
7 things you can do for the planet this Earth Day
More than 45 years ago – on the very first Earth Day – tens of millions of people decided to do something about environmental destruction. They rallied against pollution, oil spills, pesticides and deforestation… issues that continue to resonate with us today. Their activism remains inspiring. But as Earth Day comes and goes each year, we can’t just celebrate the past. The day must be a rallying cry for action in this present moment! This Earth Day, challenge yourself, your friends and your community to step up and make a change. Want to get moving but don’t know where to start? Here are a just a few ways you can do something for the planet right now.
A tribute to Prince
Lire Never underestimate the power of your voice.
"Mothers can do it:” How one little bracelet helps moms test their children for malnutrition
This innovative tool is, in fact, a four-color bracelet. Simple and cheap, it requires little equipment and can be taught to minimally trained people. Alima, however, gave this tool a new life when it came up with the idea of involving mothers.
You’ve all heard of famous inventors such Thomas Jefferson (The Great Clock), Alexander Graham Bell (telephone) and Benjamin Franklin (bifocal glasses), but do you know who Grace Hopper and Stephanie Kwolek are?
6 quotes from Nelson Mandela that keep us fighting for a better world
Two years ago, we lost the incredible Nelson Mandela. Today, his words continue to inspire us every day in the fight for a better world.
Sign the Petition: All kids deserve a #FAIRSTART
A #FAIRSTART begins with the right nutrition in the first 1,000 days. Join over 100 Olympians to demand world leaders start the race to end malnutrition.
Siku's helping women in Malawi save money—and changing their lives with every cent
This group of women started out saving a few cents each day. Now they've established a company that constructs houses for commercial clients and run a series of other profit-making ventures!
Strong labs save lives in the fight against HIV and TB in Africa
Although often overlooked, strong laboratories are at the core of any country’s ability to prevent, identify, and respond to HIV, TB, and other diseases. They’re also critical to protecting the world’s health and security.
samedi 23 avril 2016
Better Nutrition Saves Lives
Half of child deaths under age 5 can be prevented if we improve global nutrition. ADD YOUR NAME to tell Congress that this MUST happen.
How access to water changed the lives of these 4 women has found that women around the world have great potential to take hold of their family’s water and sanitation needs; when they get back the time once spent collecting water, they can attend school, work to earn incomes, and ultimately fund their own solutions!
jeudi 21 avril 2016
Bloqués en Grèce, nouveau camp de réfugiés de l'Union Européenne | Amnesty International France
Sham, six ans, a fui les bombardements en Syrie. Suzan, enceinte, a fui les menaces en Irak. Masih a fui les talibans en Afghanistan. Retour sur les réfugiés pris au piège d’une crise ne pouvant être résolue que par ceux qui l’ont créée, les gouvernements européens.
Amnesty International France
mercredi 20 avril 2016
Les Nouvelles du Large | Greenpeace France
Pour suivre comme si vous y étiez l’expédition de l’Esperanza dans l’océan Indien, inscrivez-vous à notre newsletter exceptionnelle : les Nouvelles du Large.
Terrifying eyewitness video of life under siege in Syria must spur humanitarian lifeline
The terrifying reality of the Syrian government’s relentless barrel bombing of the besieged city of Daraya, outside Damascus, is made brutally clear in a new video released by Amnesty International today amid the latest round of peace talks in Geneva.
5 lesser-known threats to the fragile Arctic Ocean
You probably know that climate change is melting Arctic icewith astonishing speed. And while some hear a warning bell, others see a business opportunity.As Arctic ice disappears, oil companies and fishing fleets are moving further north than ever before, keen to exploit the unexplored ocean opening up at the top of the world.
mardi 19 avril 2016
“The Gender Bill proves Poverty is still sexist in Nigeria” - Oyeronke, #ONEChampions
In Nigeria, 43% of girls are married off before their 18th birthday, these are only the recorded ones. There are thousands of girls in villages who still remain unaccounted for.
Why the Great Barrier Reef is Dying
The coal industry, coral bleaching and poor water quality are among the ways that humans are hurting the Great Barrier Reef.
Baby Steps on the Long Road to Justice for Atrocities in Syria
The negotiations set to recommence in Geneva on April 11, 2016 and the recent reduction of hostilities in Syria may represent important steps towards a peaceful solution to more than five years of turmoil.
Hearing on Violent Extremism & the Role of Foreign Assistance | United States Senate Committee on Appropriations
United States Senate Committee on Appropriations
lundi 18 avril 2016
Israeli government must cease intimidation of human rights defenders, protect them from attacks
The Israeli authorities must end their long-standing attacks on Palestinian human rights defenders (HRDs) and halt the climate of intimidation of HRDs in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territorie
Arctic Offshore Drilling? Alaskans Say “Keep It in the Ground”
Despite the catastrophic risks that oil spills and climate change pose to coastal communities and wildlife, Alaskan waters may be open for oil and gas drilling for the next five years. But not if Alaskans have anything to do with it.
«Malgré les Panama Papers, la Commission européenne toujours trop frileuse en terme de transparence »
Paris, le 12 avril 2016 – la Commission européenne a présenté aujourd’hui une proposition législative concernant les conditions d’accès public au reporting pays par pays des multinationales. Cette nouvelle proposition...
Yana - Chernobyl Children International
Yana has pronounced stereotypical institutionalised behaviour including consistent rocking, hitting herself on the head and sticking her fingers in her eyes. Daily tablets control the epilepsy but dealing with the repetitive activity needs one-on-one time. There’s a wonderful simplicity in helping to break the habit – exercise, playing, singing – distraction! With the right physiotherapy care and time, she could walk. But the world moves slow for Yana– and it may pass Yana by before she’s given the opportunity.
Un plan de l’OCDE prétend remettre de l’ordre dans la fiscalité internationale. Une promesse en l’air ? Débat entre Pascal Saint-Amans et Friederike Röder.
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