dimanche 31 janvier 2016

La loi sur la biodiversité votée au Sénat : quelles avancées ?

Earth Hour 2016: This is our time to #ChangeClimateChange!

3 ways to fight for human rights in your community | Amnesty International

Why Water Governance is Key to Growth in Bangladesh

Guantanamo Has Been Open Longer Under President Obama Than President Bush

Key Species for Conservation in the Llanos de Moxos, Bolivian Amazon

8 African start-ups leading the way to ending poverty

samedi 30 janvier 2016

Iran’s hypocrisy exposed as scores of juvenile offenders condemned to gallows | Amnesty International

Answer ten simple questions and change the future of food!

A New Mapping Program Could Provide Access to New Water Sources in Kenya

Embargo sur les armes : un projet de loi en demi-teinte | Amnesty International France

WWF France - J-50 avant la 10e édition d’Earth Hour

Africa: 10 places to go in 2016

Girls Leading Our World: “If a girl furthers her education, she can become a leader…”

Close the Guantánamo detention site and end indefinite detention | We the People: Your Voice in Our Government

Can Dündar Ve Erdem Gül'e Özgürlük! #CanDündarErdemGülYalnızDeğildir

Download • Snapchat

Commerce des armes : quand le Luxembourg refuse de réglementer ses banques | Amnesty International France 

Procès Gbagbo : un espoir de justice pour les victimes | Amnesty International France

Europe : le plan en projet sur les réfugiés est illégal | Amnesty International France

Grèce : des abris pour les réfugiés | Amnesty International France

Burundi : des images satellites confirment l'existence de fosses communes | Amnesty International France

Grèce : le sort de réfugiés et de nourrissons entre les mains d'Aléxis Tsipras | Amnesty International France 


mercredi 27 janvier 2016

U2's Clayton proud to be part of music programme

Announcing another great boost for the long-term sustainability of music education in Ireland!


Spreading the word at Davos: Poverty is Sexist

Growing Up on Death Row: The Death Penalty and Juvenile Offenders in Iran

Iran’s hypocrisy exposed as scores of juvenile offenders condemned to gallows

Nos récents succès contre la torture | Amnesty International France

dimanche 24 janvier 2016

Zero hunger

Les pires criminels en vacances en France

Stop à l'impunité pour les criminels de guerre en France | Amnesty International France

Nouvelles poursuites judiciaires contre Ali Anouzla

The comics that are telling a different kind of story

10 films from Africa that will change the way you think about poverty

12 things you probably don’t know about Africa

Forests for life

Le braconnage de rhinocéros en baisse en Afrique du Sud :

Zimbabwe’s top court has outlawed child marriage

President Obama Must Cancel $1.29b Arms Deal with Saudi Arabia

Meet Jugbeh, the nurse who just won Liberia's 'Integrity Idol'

Beauty Tips by Reshma: How to apply eyeliner #EndAcidSale

How harnessing the power of the sun gave this woman a chance to build a better future for herself, and others...